Colin Wilson: The Bad & The Beautiful
Now showing until 31st January 2014
The Bad & The Beautiful will feature twelve new original paintings by Colin Wilson drawing inspiration from Hollywood’s classical film noir period and 1940s and 50s stars of the silver screen. The collection encompasses the timeless style and elegance of the era with icons including Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley and Humphrey Bogart.
The exhibition marks the artist’s foray into collage, initially inspired by an attempt to make a stop motion film.
“I had the idea of using black and white print outs of film stars along with copious amounts of cardboard and wire to create a very basic stop motion animation. Having absolutely no experience in this department it wasn’t a very straightforward process and as a defeated man I soon took it back to the easel.”
Each painting combines collaged elements with abstract hand painted backgrounds, created to replicate the film sets or scenes specific to each character. The new works have been so successful that many of the images will inform future large scale compositions by the artist.
Since graduating from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in 2010, Wilson has established a distinctive and engaging style which has led to support from several leading collectors and major art institutions. His work was featured in ‘The New Contemporaries’ at the National Gallery of Scotland which proved to be a watershed moment in the young artist’s career.
The ground floor of the gallery will be dedicated to Wilson’s new exhibition and on the first floor RedHouse will be exhibiting a range of original paintings, prints and photography. Highlights include work by Eduardo Paolozzi, David Hockney, Terry Cryer, Pete McKee, Rourke Van Dal, David Rusbatch and The Studio of Ezra. The gallery are also delighted to showcase San Francisco-based Tommy Cinquegrano who will be exhibiting at RedHouse for the first time.
RedHouse Originals, 15 Cheltenham Mount, Harrogate HG1 1DW
Showing until 31st January 2014
Open: Monday to Saturday 10am – 5pm until 24th December
Gallery re-opens 3rd January 2014
We are open by appointment during the holiday, please contact the gallery to arrange a viewing
t: +44 (0)1423 884400 e: info@redhouseoriginals.com w: www.redhouseoriginals.com
For further details please contact the gallery here or email info@redhouseoriginals.com.